Celebrity Close Calls
Date of show: July 23, 2011
Airs: Saturdays at 10:00pm
Network Host: Biography channel
Frame: Series 1, Episode 6
Title Episode: Lou Diamond, Brooke & Parker
Time-laps: 60 Minutes
Watching this awesome episode of Celebrity Close Calls was so enjoyable habits by it 's new Episode today and airing from each prospective web host station and the summary are written below to make you comfortable before watching this show and above are the full details of of each episode airing so better keep on reading before watching good luck
For many celebrities life can be a dream - but in a split second everything can disappear. In this riveting pilot will meet stars forced to face their own mortality in shocking, unexpected twists of fate. Celebrities will be interviewed to get first person accounts of their traumatic brushes with death as the show cinematically recreates the dramatic moments as well as utilizes archival footage to paint the picture of the moment their lives flashed before their eyes.
Watch Celebrity Close Calls (01x06) - Lou Diamond, Brooke & Parker
Celebrity Close Calls (01x06) - Lou Diamond, Brooke & Parker
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